How many times have you heard someone disregard pain, arthritis or loss of function as “I’m getting older”?
No doubt about it, with more years comes more challenges. But age itself is simply a number and we’re here to help keep it that way.
Conditions such as arthritis, disc degeneration, osteoporosis and and sarcopenia can make every day life difficult. According to the CDC, arthritis will affect 1 in 4 Americans. Arthritis comes in different forms as well and can affect both the very young and old. Physical therapy takes on a well-established role in treating these chronic conditions.
We aim to take a multi-faceted, evidence based approach to reduce your pain and keep you strong, safe and healthy. Managing and conquering arthritis is about movement – “motion is lotion.” Through physical therapy, we’ll attack arthritic conditions through:
Our new office will be open to patients on January 2nd, 2023
Please contact us at or at (201) 391-8932 for more details!